Preheat oven to 275°F. Grease one Pyrex pie plate and set aside. Beat egg whites until foamy. Add cream of tartar; then beat until whites stand in peaks. Add Splenda and beat for an additional minute or two. Spread the meringue evenly in the bottom of the plate and up the sides. Bake 1 hour and 10 minutes in a 275°F oven, then raise the temperature to 300° and bake for an additional 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool while you make filling. Beat egg yolks well. Add 1 cup Splenda, juice and lemon zest. Cook in double boiler until thickened. Cool thoroughly. Whip whipping cream sweetened with 3 pkts Splenda. Gently fold cooled lemon mixture into whipped cream and spoon into cooled meringue pie shell. Chill thoroughly and serve. * To reduce carbs further, no-sugar lemonade dry mix disolved in 3 Tbsp water can be substituted for lemon juice.
Serves 8. 5 grams per serving with lemon juice; 3 grams with substitute.